As we approach the final part of the 2017/2018 academic year, we felt it was an appropriate time to update our followers. Our current year 4 group have made excellent progress and are a very promising cohort. We have decided that 12 of them will be taken as 2 separate groups of 6 for the next academic year from September. These two groups will focus on preparation for the 11+ entrance exam due to be taken the following September (2019). The parents of these pupils are excited by this prospect and have appreciated the guidance that Tuition First provides.
We are NOW offering places for the next cohort of current year 3 pupils to join us in September. We urge parents to seriously consider what we offer and how we can help, so that your child achieves their full potential. Remember, we can’t help everyone so get your child’s name registered as soon as possible to guarantee a place.
Not just about the 11+
We are not simply an 11+ tuition centre, we are currently helping pupils prepare for their SATs and GCSEs, as well as our usual approach to give all of our pupils the chance to gain in confidence, improve and achieve desired results. Indeed we believe that a Tuition First pupil has many advantages over their peers as we are completely flexible in our approach to a child’s studies.
Sister companies
Remember our sister companies: Launch First also offers student mentoring for older pupils who want to engage, be inspired and develop a plan for their future, whilst First Coding offers creative coding for kids which helps with their reasoning and logic skills and produces some amazing results.
To enrol with Tuition First or for any other queries please contact me by email or on 01722 322201. I’ll be happy to explain further if you need more information.