Launch First – training young people for their future

Launch First

How do we prepare teenagers for the real world? The world of work. We have launched a pilot programme for 15-16 years called Launch First which we hope will do just that.

In November last year, we commented on an article which had appeared on the BBC website, School-Leavers lack Essential workplace Skills.

The article was inspired by a survey from the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIBA) which found that ‘the top areas of weakness for new recruits are people skills and business skills, followed by technical skills’. Our new Launch First programme addresses some of the issues.

The pilot programme which started on 7 January is 10 weeks long and was offered to a maximum of six students on a first come basis.

Our objective is to train the youngsters to develop a plan for their future, and to develop their ability to understand the cause and effect link that impacts on our daily lives. They will learn to recognise their personality type and set themselves life goals. They will establish a reliable group of supporters, from within their peer group, who will help them to maintain motivation. The young people will finish the programme with a powerful set of life skills.

Course leader

The programme is run by a qualified coach, Mrs Janine Osmond. Janine has a Diploma in coaching from ILM, an MSc in Leadership & Management from DeMontfort University, and is a licensed practitioner for MBTI, Insights Discovery and ReNewYou.

Janine is an Organisational Development Practitioner and has worked extensively in the public sector (both NHS and local authority), schools and the third sector.

Course content

The students will undertake a personality psychcometric profile test. The outcomes will be reviewed with the individual and the group. The resulting profile is extremely effective at helping people gain an understanding of their style and how this impacts on others, enabling them to develop their interpersonal skills.

The group dynamic will be to support and encourage positive outcomes and a “can do” approach. Individual coaching will be provided to the young people to ensure the effectiveness of the group.

By the end of the course each participant will understand their personality type and how they can best deploy their strengths. They will have identified a future goal and the benefits they might derive. They will have established a set of supporters to help keep them on track. They will have started the process of achieving their goal, and learnt a methodology that they can repeat in future. They will have the tools to repeat the process learnt.

By the end of 10 weeks the questioning insight of the Launch First programme will become a way of life for individuals who have grown and developed from this experience. Group members will have a greater aptitude to listen, to negotiate, and to resolve conflict, to move from being ‘passengers in life to taking control’.


More Launch First courses to come

Future Launch First courses will be rolled out during the year and we will keep you notified here and on social media.

If you’d like more information, please contact us on the following numbers: Mark Osmond (07831 778567) or Janine Osmond on (07768 206424).

